Login to the Student Information System/Getting a Password and 2023-2024 Fall Semester Course Selection

25 Sep 2023

Dear Students;

We are starting the new term with a new student information system.

Click for the Student Information System User Guide.


Course registrations for the 2023-2024 academic year fall semester will be made via https://sis.agu.edu.tr/

1- Login to Student Information System and Creating a Password

You can create your password by following the steps specified in the link https://oidb-tr.agu.edu.tr/uploads/sis/girisvesifrealma.pdf.

The username for login is your student number.

After logging in, the initial password will need to be changed.

2- Course registration dates will be announced later, and registrations will be made via https://sis.agu.edu.tr/.

After completing the course selection, be sure to send it to your Advisor for Approval.

Click for Video Explanation on the Course Registration Process.

If you have to pay Contribution/Tuition Fees, follow these steps at Vakıfbank (via ATM, Mobile Application, Online Banking or Branch Offices): 

Payments->Education and Examination Payments->University Tuition Fee Transactions->University (Abdullah Gül Üniversitesi); search with your Student Number and then you can make the payment.


Click to get information about the 2023-2024 Academic Year Contribution Fee/Tuition Fee...

Students who are in debt will be able to choose courses after making their payments.

We hope you have a good term.